I started this company over a year ago, but the idea was always there. Comfortable, accessible clothing for chronic illness patients. I started dialysis at 18 after a childhood of being in and out of hospitals for clinics, appointments, and treatments. I always wished that I was warmer, more comfortable, and most of all not in the hospital. Those experiences became the lifeblood of this company, and the support I always wished I had I wanted to provide to others so they never feel alone and unwanted.
Compassion, Empathy, Kindness & Community are the four pillars of IVYE WEAR and we strive to build a community of support for chronic illness. The community of chronic illness is many, and we are all dealing with different things physically and mentally, but we have a common goal of wanting a “normal” life. Many of us will struggle for all our lives just trying to live, and that is okay. It is okay that we have bad days and feel down, but do not stay down because you can achieve great things despite your illness. You can make your struggle the empire upon which you sit and be the change the world has been waiting for. You are capable of great things and it is because of all that you have been through.
What was available before IVYE WEAR simply was not good enough and did nothing to help improve the lives of chronic illness patients, and that is why we put time and effort into the creation of not only a company that recognizes your struggle and your triumph but created products to ease the burden of chronic illness so you can focus on being you, and not being exposed and cold during treatments and procedures. We recognize that your fight is special and we will do all we can to make sure the world understands what chronic illness really is. Stay Strong, Warriors!
Dax Francis
Ivye Wear